A big part of launching a startup is to spread the word and have influencers write about your product. Learn how to get press for your startup with these awesome tips, tools and tricks.
All startups at early stages have to focus on two major things:
- Product-market-fit and
- Balancing their ‘startup budget’
Unfortunately the first can’t happen without the second.
“If I was down to the last dollar of my marketing budget I’d spend it on PR!”
~ Bill Gates
The longer a startup can last financially, the longer it has the opportunity of creating a successful company.
Often times, that means figuring out ways for your team to take on as many tasks as they can rather than hiring or outsourcing the job responsibility.
One of the largest expenses most startups look to avoid is the ‘PR expense.’ Hiring a PR firm to help you get press for your startup, can be extremely costly…
PR firms range in price from $3,000/month – $10,000+/month. Without including a retainer fee along with a quarterly, semi-annual or annual contract.
On the same token, the importance of getting press cannot be ignored. Sharing your awesome startup is important!
“Publicity is absolutely critical. A good PR story is infinitely more effective than a front page ad.”
~ Richard Branson
The right kind of press has the ability to disseminate your message about your product rapidly, have a strong call to action and reach thousands of individuals simultaneously.
Outside of press, the majority of marketing channels provide a steadier stream of fairly predictable traffic.
The power of getting press can help get your product in front of a lot of eyeballs quickly.
Whether you’re a novice when it comes to approaching the press or have some experience doing so, we’ve put together some of the best press guides and resources to assist you in getting press for your startup/
These resources will help you learn how to get press:
- Discover the right journalists who cover your industry
- Show you how to approach journalists
- How to write a press release
- How to properly pitch journalists
If you have any additional PR guides, resources or tools that you highly recommend, that aren’t mentioned, please comment below and we’ll be happy to include them.
Now go get some great press!
GUIDE 1: How to Find Journalists to Write About You
GUIDE 2: How to Find Journalist’s Email Addresses Quickly
GUIDE 3: How to Pitch a Journalist and Have Your Story Told
GUIDE 4: How to Write a Press Release
BONUS GUIDE 5: Ultimate Curated List of the Best Press Guides
Further reads:
- How To Create A Press Mentions Page To Gain Customer Trust
The Best Plugin to Create a Press Page for Your WordPress Website
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